Massage therapy is a therapeutic hands on practice that combines a variety of different techniques such as Swedish massage, myofascial massage, and joint mobilization to create a positive change upon the soft tissue of the body such as muscles and joints.

The number of positive effects on the body from massage include

  • helping to balance and regulate the nervous system

  • allowing the body to transition into a restorative and healing state

  • an increase in localized blood flow to targeted areas

  • improved range of motion with joints

  • release of trigger points, adhesion (knots)

  • releases pinched nerves and blood vessels

as well as a number of positive hormonal effects that leave patients feeling rejuvenated and more balanced.


60 MINS = $95.00 

90 MINS = $130.00 

120 MINS = $170.00

All prices include GST

Payment methods: Cash/etransfer, Credit Card via Square tap

Invoices are provided for all treatments and can be used for your own insurance billing.